Neutering your pet
Neutering your male (castration) or female (spay) dog is an individual decision. We hope to discuss your individual animal and lifestyle including any concerns you may have to help you make the best decision for you and your pet
Traditionally was 6-8 months. The advantages of early neutering include population control, faster recovery from surgery and decreased incidence of obesity. The only behavioural modifications proven to be associated to neutering include reduction of roaming, decreased separation anxiety and decreased urination when frightened.
From recent studies we are now aware that testosterone and oestrogen are involved in regulation of cartilage growth. This is important to consider in larger dog breeds (especially those genetically predisposed to bone tumours) we would encourage you to wait until your dog is at least 12 months before neutering.
Male Dogs (Castration)
Castration will prevent testicular trauma, testicular torsion and testicular cancer. It will decrease the risk of prostatic disease (80% of 6 year old male entire dogs will show symptoms associated with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, a very common disease of the prostate).
We will also offer chemical castration alternatives. If you are considering castration, please make an appointment with one of our vets to discuss.
Female Dogs (Spaying)
At Wensleydale Vets we will neuter bitches using an ovariectomy technique. This compared to the more traditional ovariohysterectomy technique means we will remove the ovaries but leave the uterus behind. By doing this minimally invasive procedure, we cause less disturbance in the abdominal cavity (decreasing chances of bleeding and abrasive tissue handling (which can cause issues post surgery) and allow faster recovery and healing times.
Preventing Pyometra (Uterus Infection)
The disease commonly known as pyometra (pus in the uterus) is HORMONALLY INFLUENCED so even though we are not surgically removing the uterus, your bitch will not get this condition as the hormone producing ovaries are completely removed. Entire female dogs over the age of 10 have a 25% chance of suffering from pyometra.
Preventing mammary Cancer
If a bitch is neutered before her first season, the occurrence of mammary cancer is less than 0.5%. After her first season it increases to 8% and by her second season it is 26%. After 2 years old there is no advantage to having your bitch neutered in relation to preventing mammary cancer. The incidence of malignant cancers ( those that will spread to other organs) related to mammary tissue is 50%.
Preventing Uterine Cancer and Ovarian Cancer
These types of tumours are rare in dogs. Ovariohysterectomy is the treatment of choice.
We encourage neutering of all cats as soon as possible. We have an over population of cats and kittens in this country so neutering is very important for population control. As soon as kittens are over 1kg in weight and older than 4 months we are able to neuter them.
Male Cats (Castration)
In male cats, neutering decreases spraying, roaming and incidence of cat bite abscess which occur from fights. We advise keeping your male cat indoors until they are neutered.
Female Cats (Spay)
In females, neutering stops unwanted pregnancy, roaming, pyometra and mammary cancer. Mammary cancer in cats is almost always malignant (unlike dogs) and sadly carries a poor prognosis. We can perform this procedure through your cat’s flank (her side) or midline (under her tummy). Evidence from recent papers shows there is no advantage of one technique over the other.
We are happy to accept Neutering Vouchers from the RSPCA or Cats Protection League. Please ensure you have these vouchers with you when you bring your cat the their appointment.