Vaccinating Your Pet
Our vaccinations are given by one of our vets. A Veterinary Nurse, may give a 2nd vaccination as part of the primary course. Our vaccination consultations include a general health check to ensure you pet is healthy and safe to receive a vaccine. We will also make you aware of any conditions we may pick up on and monitor any existing issues. We are happy to clip nails, express anal glands and discuss any other issues with you in these consults.
We recommend vaccination in dogs from 6 weeks. Traditionally, a first vaccination is given at 8 weeks and a second vaccination at 10 weeks.
Dogs will receive a vaccine against Distemper, Canine Adenovirus and Parvovirus every third year after their primary vaccination course. Leptospirosis protection only lasts 12 months so this vaccine must be given annually.
We are happy to perform anti-body titre testing by taking blood samples. However, we will be unable to assure adequate protection based on any results. Our vaccination protocol follows the advice outlined by titre testing performed in the wider population.
One of our vets does Titre Testing Clinics at "The Raw Store" in Richmond every first and third Tuesday of the month.
Causes a severe life-threatening gastro-enteritis
Young puppies are incredibly susceptible. Many shelters or owners who keep larger groups of dogs will vaccinate against parvovirus between 6-8 weeks to protect them against this. Many puppies will however have maternal antibodies (protection from mum) that may interfere with adequate protection. If you think your dog will spend a lot of time with other dogs (showing etc) before a year old we recommend an additional booster at 16 weeks old.
Causes fever and neurological problems resulting in seizures and death.
Canine Adenovirus
Causes fever and jaundice. Has a high mortality rate.
Causes severe liver and kidney problems. Is often fatal in dogs which have not been vaccinated. Some types of leptospirosis (serogroups) can be spread to humans via shedding in the urine. Rodents are a reservoir for Leptospirosis infection.
We currently use L4 providing protectionfor L. Cannicola, L. Grippoytyphosa, L.Australis and L. Ictarohaemorrahageae, but L2 can be given on request.
Four Serogroups of Leptospirosis have been identified in this country:
L. interrogans Cannicola L.Ictarohaemorrageae L. Grippoytyphosa, L.Australis
There has been some bad press towards what is known as the L4 vaccine. This vaccine is named as such because it covers all of the four serogroups. The adverse reaction rate, as reported and monitored by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate is 0.069% (7 in 10,000) in dogs receiving this vaccine. This is compared to 0.015% (2 in 10,000) of dogs receiving L2. We fully accept that this reaction rate is higher, but still very low in the dog population.
We do advise you consider protection for L. Grippoytyphosa, L.Australis if you plan to take your dog to Europe or spend a lot of time in the South of England.
Bordetella Bronchiseptica (Kennel cough or Contagious Canine Cough)
This is a very contagious. Not life threatening but can suppress the immune system of dogs and puts them at risk from secondary infections such as pneumonia. If your dog is mixing with other dogs we recommend this vaccine annually. If you would like to kennel your dog in an establishment licensed by current government regulations you will need vaccination against. Bordetella Bronchiseptica and Canine Parainfluenza virus two weeks prior to kennelling.
The vaccine is given as a small squirt of fluid up the nose.
If you are taking your animal abroad you must vaccinate it against Rabies. Since Britain left the EU, regulations are under review. See here for current guidance for taking your pet abroad. Please ring the surgery at least 4 months in advance prior to you travelling with your pet.
Canine Herpes Virus
Canine herpes virus causes a high rate of deaths in puppies 1-3 days old. By vaccinating bitches we can provide maternal protection.
First Injection is given during heat or 7-10 days after presumed date of mating, with the second injection 1-2 weeks before the expected date of whelping
Kittens can receive their first vaccination from 9 weeks old. They then receive a second vaccination 3-4 weeks later.
Cats receive Tricat (feline infectious enteritis & ‘cat flu’). We can give this with or without the Feline Leukaemia (FeLV) vaccination. If a cat receives FeLV in their primary vaccination course they will then be given this every three years thereafter. We give a smaller component (only containing catflu) annually.
We recommend all cats are vaccinated against Flu (Feline Herpes virus and Feline Calici virus) and Feline Infectious Enteritis. We recommend outdoor cats are vaccinated against Feline Leukaemia Virus.
Feline Infectious Enteritis
Causes life threatening gastro-enteritis
Feline Herpes Virus
Causes upper respiratory disease. Also known as ‘cat flu’
Feline Calici Virus
Also causes ‘cat flu’. Will cause upper respiratory tract problems and has intermittent flare ups.
Feline Leukaemia Virus
Will affect the cat’s immune system and causes tumour. Spread cat to cat via isaliva so outdoor cats are at risk.
Feline Chlamydiosis
We do not routinely vaccinate against feline Chlamydophila felis. It is a bacterium that causes conjunctivitis. Young kittens are mostly affected. If you have a breeding colony or a rescue with a high population of young cats we encourage you to ask us about vaccination!
Transmitted through insect bites and direct contact with infected Rabbit. Causes skin tumours, lethargy, fever and eventually death.
Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic Disease
Two strains exist RVHD1 and RVHD2. Both strains are lethal.
RVHD1 causes massive internal bleeding. Some rabbits bleed from the nose and back end but deterioration is so fast that many rabbits sadly die quickly.
RVHD2 is often fatal although some rabbits have recovered with intense veterinary treatment. Rabbits are infectious with RVHD2 for a longer period of time, therefore it spreads quickly and more widely. There is no bleeding and most rabbits are presented as being generally unwell.
Both strains of RVHD are spread by direct contact from rabbit to rabbit or via their urine or faeces. It can also be transferred on fomites (objects that have been in contact with infected urine or faeces). The virus can survive for months in the environment.
Rabbit Vaccination Protocol
A combined vaccine for myxomatosis and RVHD1 can be given from 5 weeks old and rabbits receive annual boosters.
RVHD2 is available as a single vaccine and can be given 2 weeks apart from the above vaccine.
The new rabbit vaccine MyxoRHD+ has now been released! This is one vaccine covering Myxomatosis, RVHD1 and RVHD2 in one injection, saving a second stressful trip to the vet. Unvaccinated rabbits and those that have received a Filavac RVHD2 vaccine within 12 months can safely transfer to this vaccine. Any rabbits that have been vaccinated previously with another myxomatosis vaccine or have experienced myxomatosis through natural infection may not develop adequate immunity following vaccination with MyxoRHD+. These rabbits will need Filavac RVHD2 vaccine followed 2 weeks later by the old MyxoRHD (the most cost effective option) or the new MyxoRHD+. Following years, the MyxoRHD+ booster will be all that is required. If you can work out what category your rabbit may fit in to when you make your appointment it will help us ensure we have the correct vaccines in stock!